We publish literary writing of the highest quality. We look for poetry and short fiction that startles and entertains us. Reviews, essays, memoir pieces and features should be erudite, lucid and incisive. We are obviously interested in writing that has a London focus, but not exclusively so, since London is a world city with international concerns.

Please refer to The London Magazine before you submit work, so that you can see the type of material we publish.

Submissions will not be read if they stray over the word limits, or if they are not presented according to our submission guidelines.

All submissions sent to The London Magazine must never have been published, self-published, published on any website, blog or online forum, broadcast nor winning or placed (as in 2nd, 3rd, runner up etc) in any competition.

Due to the volume of submissions, it may take some time before you receive a response. We do read and reply to every submission. Please allow up to 12 weeks. 

We will be open for free submissions during the following periods:

1 – 30 September
1 – 30 November
1 – 31 January
1 – 31 March
1 – 31 May
1 – 31 July

We charge a fee of £3.00 for submissions outside of those windows but if you are a low-income writer and would like to apply for free entry, please contact us at info@thelondonmagazine.org. During periods in which our prizes are live, we will be closed for any other submissions in that genre.

The London Magazine has published short stories by some of the most well-respected literary figures over the course of its long history, from Jean Rhys and Raymond Carver, to Virginia Woolf and V.S. Pritchett. Our annual Short Story Competition seeks out new voices to join them.

Established to encourage emerging literary talent, the award provides an opportunity for publication and recognition, rewarding imagination, originality and creativity. The London Magazine is taking submissions for previously unpublished short stories that do not exceed the maximum of 2,500 words, from writers across the world.

We are delighted to announce that the stories will be judged by: Benjamin Markovits, Brandon Taylor, and Naomi Wood.

All winning stories will appear in future issues of The London Magazine. Winners will also receive cash prizes (see below), and will be celebrated as part of prize-giving ceremony in the autumn.



Entry fee: £10 per short story |  Subsequent entries: £5 per story 

Student/Low Income entry: £5 per story (entrants must submit their stories with a valid university email address / proof of receipt of benefits.)   

Note: There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.   

Opening date: 23rd July 2024

Closing date: 25th October 2024

  First Prize: £500
  Second Prize: £300
  Third Prize: £200

  • The London Magazine will have the unrestricted right to publish winning submissions (including runners up) in the magazine and online.
  • Subsequent entries should be submitted separately in individual entry forms through Submittable and not in the same document.
  • Make sure to include your completed entry form with your submission if submitting by any means other than Submittable. This can be downloaded from our website and sent to us by email or post.
  • Please read our competition rules carefully before entering.  If you have any questions, please contact Zadie at info@thelondonmagazine.org



Poetry should display a commitment to the ultra specificities of language, and show a refined sense of simile and metaphor. The structure should be tight and exact. Poems should be no longer than 40 lines and no more than 6 poems should be submitted at once.

N.B. If Submitting multiple poems, these should be collated into one document. Multiple document submissions will not be read.


Non-fiction pieces should be between 800 and 2,000 words. Single inverted commas should be used for all quotes/speech. Titles of works including books, plays, film and paintings should be in italics.

The London Magazine